There’s never a dull day on Japan's newly established SSSP kaiju defense taskforce, led by Kimio Tamura, played by DRIVE MY CAR’s Hidetoshi Nishijima. After a particularly challenging encounter, a giant silver robot descends from the sky to rescue the country. Dubbed Ultraman, this robot’s identity and purpose are a mystery. SHIN ULTRAMAN is a delightful reimagining of one of Japan’s classic superheroes, full of cosmic twists, campy villains, and giants of all species.
Starring: TBC Directed by: TBC
In Theatres:Jan 11, 2023 Genre: Action
Duration: 120 min
Movies and showtimes are updated for online ticket purchase each Wednesday morning for the upcoming week (Friday to Thursday).
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is available for purchase and must be submitted 24HRS or more before your selected showtime. Click to view Shout Outs available for purchase. To learn more about Shout Out please click here.